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Open Brewery
When we first started in 2016 it was nothing more than an empty warehouse. Thanks to great friends and family we were able to create this unique space with over 300 square meters and our concept of an open brewery.
Sharing our space with you
Sep - June: Friday 6 - 9 pm
July & August: Friday - Sunday 7 - 11 pm
Come and buy your beers directly at the brewery as fresh as they can be -
from the fementor directly to your home.
Beer as fresh as it can be!
This is what we call km0
Next time you get asked if you'd like a beer, your answer should be:
'Sure, which kind?'
We can all be beer conisseurs!
Dive into the world of Craft Beer and get a full tasting Session, learning about the process of brewing as well as the sensorical world craft beer has to offer
We had a great day! Now beer is not only a drink but an experience. Thanks Hopsters
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